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Stress Less: Tips and Tricks to Combat Wedding Stress

So not only are you planning a wedding (you know, a big day typically consisting of 100 of your closest friends and family ... overwhelming, right?), you are also trying to accomplish day to day life! So how do you and your true love plan this wonderful day without losing your damn minds??


Here are some helpful tips we find help alleviate that stress:



With a lot of couples it’s the details that keep them up at night, simply because they can easily be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the all the larger scale things. So with that being said, when it comes to the day-of,  the “little things” won't be a concern. If you and your partner are going to nitpick every little detail, you are going to be VERY stressed. Like pull your hair out and scream into a pillow stressed. However, if you get into the right mindset and attitude about the whole thing, and trust that your vendors have your best interest, you'll have the best experience.


So how do I keep the positivity flowing dealing with life on top of planning such an extravagant event? Make a list of your “must haves” and your “hard no’s”. This will complete your wedding. This way you can refer back to your list while you plan, keeping you on track and preventing you from changing your mind a thousand times (I know, it's hard) and dwelling over those “little things.”



Parents/In-laws can and always will be a source of stress, especially if they are contributing financially to your big day. So no matter what the scenario with parents, sit down with them from the start. Lay everything out, chat about all the things you envision and get everyone on the same page. Having an open line of communication will be of huge benefit when/if issues come up when you are in the thick of planning. Most of the time arguments arise because of miscommunication or someone simply assumed something. Bottom line here is that communication is EVERYTHING!! Don’t forget your partner throughout this too.


Have a back up plan

If this pandemic has taught us anything it’s that plans can change on a dime. This is also true for weather. So in order to settle the stress of the unknown and the “what if’s”, you need to have a back-up plan. Have a plan “B” if your ceremony or reception is outside, or as pandemic brides know, have a second guest list in your back pocket in case restrictions creep up on you. Planning ahead for the worst case scenarios will relieve you going over it obsessively at 3 AM.


Set times for planning

Wedding planning doesn’t have to consume your every free moment. Setting planning boundaries will save you from feeling overwhelmed. You and your fiancé(e) can set aside a few hours (2-3 times) a week to sit down and cross off some things on that To Do List. Don’t forget to also feel free to delegate tasks to others too. That’s what close friends and family are for ... and a wedding coordinator (hint hint).

Take a break/self care

If tensions are rising and you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed and ready to pull a 2007 Britney Spears and shave your head, it’s time to take a break. There is nothing wrong with going for a walk, getting a massage, going to a yoga class or simply grabbing some dinner. Stepping back and unwinding will also allow you to re-enter that planning headspace feeling energized with a clearer head and a fresh perspective.

My personal fav: hiring a planning professional!

Imagine having someone on your side, who knows exactly what they are doing and are committed to making your wedding visions come to life?! From personal experience alone, hiring a décor/wedding coordinator takes a huge amount of stress off of couples, during the planning process and ESPECIALLY the day of.

Day of jitters – how to keep those jitters at bay

The day-of is a mixture of emotions, you’re anxious to marry the love of your life while stressing that everything needs to be perfect and ready to go. Remember to breathe and focus on why you are throwing this wonderful celebration. Today is your day, the day you say “I Do”, so stay in these moments. Enjoy getting ready with your squad, the first looks, pictures with everyone and stay present enjoying every step, not worrying what comes next. I know it's hard but what’s the alternative? Everything is already in motion at this point, deal with things as it comes and relish in the beauty of the day.


Drink your mimosa and trust that the people you hired to make your day come together are doing their very best and have everything under control. Try not to micromanage everything - it will only add extra stress. Believe me, I know this can be difficult (coming from a fellow control freak).

Now as we make this come full circle, and I know this may sound repetitive, hiring a wedding planner/décor for your set up and timeline will significantly reduce your stress. This will allow you to relax and appreciate the day with your nearest and dearest.